Our People

Meet the experts who lead research, education and collaboration activities at the centre, and learn why each of them chose to become involved.

Steering Group

Professor Susan Watson

Interim Director
Juncture: Dialogues on Inclusive Capitalism

Can we rebalance to do capitalism better—harnessing its undoubted benefits whilst minimising its harms and sharing its benefits more equitably?

View Susan’s Profile

Professor Prasanna Gai

Resilient market economies operate best when there is a robust social framework—where individuals, firms, and governments have a sense of their shared values and responsibilities to the system as a whole.

View Prasanna’s Profile

Professor Kenneth Husted

This centre will be a core institution in Aotearoa’s transformation toward a more sustainable and inclusive economy, with circular economy offering pathways for sustainable and inclusive business.

View Kenneth’s Profile

Professor Charl de Villiers

My research brings an accounting perspective to social and environmental matters, including inequities entrenched by power differences. This matches with the centre’s focus on enhancing outcomes for everyone in society.

View Charl’s Profile

Professor Robert MacCulloch

We’ve long moved beyond the idea that achieving economic growth at any cost is a worthy ideal.

View Robert’s Profile


Dr Ruth Dimes

My research and teaching interests lie in how organisations make decisions that balance financial considerations with broader societal and environmental impacts. The work of the centre aims to provide this holistic perspective and to encourage the research and teaching of the Business School to become more widely known.

View Ruth’s Profile

Dr Billie Lythberg

Associate Director Research
Juncture: Dialogues on Inclusive Capitalism

The centre will encourage dialogues across disciplines and knowledge systems and generate research and projects of global significance for the well-being of people and planet.

View Billie’s Profile